Moving with the times –A Transportation Road Map by Youths in Singapore


My name is Bernard Chen, Organising Secretary of the Workers’ Party Youth Wing.

On behalf of the Workers’ Party Youth Wing, I would like to invite you to “YouthQuake – The Battle Cry of Singaporean Youths”.

Following the inaugural forum on lowering the voting age to 18, the second in the series of YouthQuake forums will be focusing on a transportation road map for youths in Singapore.

YouthQuake offers an excellent opportunity for Singapore’s youths to exchange ideas and experiences and I am confident that the forum topic will stimulate debate and discussions. We thus encourage you not to miss this occasion where you can keep pace with the pulse of today’s youths in a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere and experience the dynamic nature of youth-centric issues.

The second YouthQuake forum will be touching on a youth road map for transportation in Singapore and the details are as follow:

Date: 7th June 2008 (Saturday)

Time: 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs

Venue: 216G Syed Alwi Road, #0203.

The speakers for this event will be:

  1. Jamilah Binte Md Lutfi Lim: Jamilah will be speaking on the need for a National Public Transportation Concession Card for Singapore students up till the end of their tertiary studies.
  2. Kelvin Quee: His topic will be “Taking a closer look at Singapore’s Public Transportation network.”
  3. Alvinder Singh: Alvinder will be sharing his thoughts on the viability of youth embracing a one-car policy and
    integrating public transportation into the daily living of a young Singaporean.

In order to assist us in the organisation of this forum, kindly confirm your attendance with Bernard Chen @ [email protected] or email the Workers’ Party Youth Wing @ [email protected] by 5th June 2008 (Thursday)

Help us circulate this to your friends or put this notice up on your blog and join us there! Do feel free to approach me if you have any queries. Thanks.

Below are some articles, videos & reports relating to YouthQuake 1 (3 May 2008) – “Should Singaporean Youths be allowed to vote at 18?” Enjoy!

Videos – Tombalake (YouTube)

Should 18-year-olds get to vote? WP youth forum to debate issue – Straits Times

Should Singaporean youths be allowed to vote at 18? – The Online Citizen

16, 18, 21 – what’s behind an age? – TODAY

Youths call for right to vote at Youthquake forum – The Online Citizen

If old enough for NS, why not the vote? – Straits Times

Why voting age in Singapore is 21 – Straits Times

Voting age: It’s not a numbers game – YouThink

Voting age – P65 blog

We look forward to seeing you create a stir at YouthQuake!


Bernard Chen
Organising Secretary of the Workers’ Party Youth Wing

The Workers’ Party, Singapore
216-G Syed Alwi Road #0203
Singapore 207799

Email: [email protected] | Website:


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