You may, or may not, have heard about the Pick-Me-Up Book , which was first launched in January this year. The book is a collection of true stories of how people managed to overcome their dire circumstances and strife to turn their dreams into reality despite facing long odds. Aptly, the Make-A-Wish Foundation is the beneficiary to this good cause.

The highlight of this edition is the story by Charmaine Tan, a 13-year-old wish-child from Make-A-Wish Foundation who is suffering from end-stage kidney failure, on top of a congenital eye disease which has led to her being visually-impaired today. Her wish is to become a published author. (Read more about Charmaine here.)

The organisation’s aim is to provide unconditional support to underprivileged children in turning their dreams into reality. 60% of the nett proceeds will be donated to the foundation, while the remaining 40% will be used to set up a social enterprise.

The book has also since been featured in local media and received some notable endorsements by several MPs. It has since been distributed to good bookstores around the island.

BUT … Given the resounding response thus far, a second edition of the book will be launched at the World Book Fair this weekend!!! The upcoming launch will include both an English and a Mandarin version of the book.

Details of the Book Launch are as follows:-

Book Launch – Pick-Me-Up Book (Edition 2)
31/05/2008 (Saturday)
3pm to 5pm
Venue: World Book Fair,
Suntec City Convention Centre Level 4 (Booth 4EO1)

It will be wonderful if you could spread the word on your blog, or even attend the launch yourself, to make the granting of Charmaine’s wish of becoming a published author a memorable one. Charmaine and her mother will be invited up on stage during the book launch to share her experiences of writing the book, and she will also be having her first autograph session then!

Do support the book by purchasing a copy (or better still, more than one) at the launch!

For more information, please visit: Pick Me Up.

A related blog post may be found here.


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