From 23rd to 27th April 2007, Singapore will be the epicenter for youth discussion in the region. ASEAN Ministers and representatives from various youth organisations will come together in the 5th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth (AMMY V), establishing ties and addressing the interests of youths. This is the first time that Singapore is hosting the AMMY.

It’s time to have your say in ASEAN issues that matter to you.

“My Wish for ASEAN” allows you to express YOUR views on 4 areas of ASEAN
development through voting: Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship,
Engagement, and Environment.

The theme for AMMY V is “Youth: Creating Our Future Together”, selected to encourage ASEAN youth to recognise the potential and talent they have within themselves to create a strong and vibrant future for ASEAN.

Singapore will be hosting the 5th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting for Youth (AMMY V) and your votes will be forwarded to the AMMY V Youth Caucus. Youth country representatives will consider your responses as they formulate recommendations for the Meeting. What’s more, cast your votes and stand to win $20 Kinokuniya vouchers.

Click here to vote now!

Thank you.

Alvin Lim

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