Singapore investment company, Temasek has announced that with effect from 10 June 2014, Mr Robert Ng Chee Siong and Mr Bobby Chin Yoke Choong will join the Temasek Board while Mr Peter Robert Voser will take up his appointment on 1 January 2015.  The Temasek board size will be increased to 13 with their appointments.
Temasek is an investment company owned by the government of Singapore. The investment company owns a S$215 billion portfolio as at 31 March 2013, with 71% of its underlying assets in Asia (including Singapore), and 25% in the mature economies of North America, Europe and Australia & New Zealand.
The current Chairman of Sino Group in Hong Kong, a leading property group in Asia, Mr Robert Ng is also the Vice Chairman of M+S Pte Ltd where he played a key role in spearheading the real estate joint-venture initiative between Khazanah Nasional Berhad and Temasek. He is also Chairman of the Board of Governors of  the popular Singapore International School in Hong Kong.
A retired Managing Partner of international accounting firm, KPMG Singapore, Mr Bobby Chin has been actively engaged in various public service appointments and also brings with him extensive experience across various industries. His appointments include the Chairman of the MediShield Life Review Committee , Deputy Chairman of NTUC Enterprise Co-Operative Limited, a board member of Singapore Labour Foundation, and a member of the Council of Presidential Advisers
Mr Peter Voser, a Swiss national, is a veteran of the energy industry, who retired as Chief Executive Officer of Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) in December last year. 
Mr Lim Boon Heng, Temasek Chairman, said that the three new appointments would add to the depth and breadth of the Temasek Board.
“I am very pleased to welcome each of them to our Board.  They are all experienced business builders and corporate leaders in regional and international arenas, who will add depth and useful perspectives to our Board deliberations,” Mr Lim added.
Recent additions to the Temasek Board included Mr Robert Zoellick from USA, on 15 August 2013 and Mr Lucien Wong, on 1 March 2013.

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