Source : LTA Facebook page.

Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced that it has conducted more than 100 enforcement operations and impounded several Personal Mobility Device (PMD)’s belonging to users found riding on the roads in the first two weeks of February.
LTA stressed that PMDS do not belong on the road, saying, “Scoot safe and stay on the correct path.”
LTA alerted PMD users that it does not matter how much they jazz it up to look like a bike, the simple rule of thumb is that if there is no pedal then do not hit the road.
“Riding your PMDs on the roads is illegal, as it endangers the rider and other road users. We will continue to conduct enforcement operations and take firm action against any rider found breaking the law,” LTA stressed.

Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
Source : LTA Facebook page.
The Authority said that Active Mobility Enforcement Officers (AMEOs) have also been educating users of non-compliant PMDs about the technical criteria, which will come into effect when the Active Mobility Act kicks in.
The Government has accepted in full the Active Mobility Advisory Panel’s recommendations on cycling and the use of personal mobility devices (PMDs) as announced at the Ministry of Transport (MOT)’s 2016 Committee of Supply Debate.
Under the Bill, PMDs are not allowed to be on road.
It said that the Bill empowers the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to regulate the types of devices permitted, and the behaviour of device users, on public paths.

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