A 17-year-old man passed away from his injuries after he fell from the fourth-storey linkway between Orchard Central and Orchard Gateway on Friday (24 February) afternoon.
Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said that it was alerted to the incident at about 4.05pm. The man then was conveyed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital which was on standby to receive him.
SCDF said that paramedics administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation en route to the hospital. Unfortunately, the man did not survive his injuries.
It was said that the man was taking pictures along the bridge when his phone suddenly fell off his hands and landed onto the parapet. He leaned over to take it. Unfortunately, he lost his balance and fell down.
The mall management said that he had vaulted the railing of the link bridge
The Police said that the man was lying motionless on the floor when its officers arrived, adding that he was conveyed unconscious to the hospital.
Police are investigating the case of unnatural death.
An eyewitness, Ms Ching Wan Ting, 24, a manager-in-training, told The Straits Times that she heard the sound of concrete cracking before the body fell.
Her colleague, Ms Daria Chong, 17, added that she saw the boy landed on his right side and there was a pool of blood beneath him.
Chong Wan Ting, 24, who works at nearby shop Lush told TODAY that she heard a crack and when she looked up, she saw a man falling along with some material.
She said, “Initially I thought his situation wasn’t too bad but he started coughing up blood after someone pumped on his chest. It’s traumatising. One of my colleagues cried after the incident.”
According to eyewitnesses, the man was dressed in a flowery shirt, jeans and high cut shoes, and appeared to have a tattoo on the left arm above the elbow.
Devi Rajaram told ChannelNewsAsia that a lot of people were trying to do CPR on him, saying that they kept trying for at least 15 minutes. However, the man kept lying motionless.
A video posted on Twitter by jOhNwAyNe, which shows the man was lying and people surrounded him.
Ms Spliffany also posted pictures of the incident on Twitter, alerting people to always be careful, saying that someone climbed over the railing and the flooring broke.
Jenny Chue posted pictures on Facebook, showing a stain of blood on the floor and the broken floor.

fall - Jenny Chue1
Source : Jenny Chue Facebook account.
Source : Jenny Chue Facebook account.
Source : Jenny Chue Facebook account.
Ms Mavis Seow, Chief Operating Officer of the Retail Business Group at Far East Organization, said, “This afternoon, a member of the public vaulted the railing of the level 4 linkbridge between Orchard Central and Orchard Gateway onto a ledge and subsequently fell to the atrium. He was rushed to the hospital.”
“We are deeply concerned and are currently assisting the police with their investigations of the incident,” she added.

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