A ComfortDelGro taxi was seen burning at Simei Station 1 on Tuesday (21 February) at 10.35pm.
Pictures and videos of the taxi burning were posted by Wiliam Lim Lian Chin on Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook account.

Source : Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook account.
Source : Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook account.
The picture shows the fire burning the front engine of the vehicle.
Source : Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook account.
Source : Singapore Taxi Driver Facebook account.
In the video, the smoke was seen billowing from the engine.
In this video, a Police car with sirene on was seen pulling over behind the burning vehicle.
Two fire engines were seen to be deployed to put out the fire on the vehicle.
Mr Liam said that he could hear the explosion when he was around the area. He added that the cause of the fire is unknown as when he passed through the fire had already burnt.
However, some netizens questioned, whether Comfort Del Gro taxis are equipped with fire extinguishers.

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