Tiong Bahru Market and Food Centre (TBMFC) will be closed temporarily starting next Monday (20 Feb), the National Environment Agency (NEA) informed on its website.
NEA said the food centre will be closed for three months for repairs, redecoration and renovation works. NEA schedulled the TBMFC to reopen on May 19.
The market, located at 30 Seng Poh Road originally was called Seng Poh Road Market and officially opened in January 1951.
In 2004, it has been closed for two years for a complete rebuilt and in 2006 it was reopened as a two-storey building and renamed to Tiong Bahru Market and Food Centre. The cost of of the renovation was about S$16.8 million.
Along with TBMFC NEA also informed the closing for repairs and renovation works of four other centers as shown on the table below.

Source: NEA
Source: NEA

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