A forum user in Kiasu Parents warned parents against a childcare center located at River Valley. The preschool has been accused by the user on the parenting forum for neglecting the children under their care.
The user pointed to a Wechat broadcast exposing that the kids in the preschool were not well cared for.
The user posted several photos which showed inappropriate happenings in the childcare center; like children sleeping on the floor without beds, eating rotten fruit and food and being left alone without supervision.
In one photo, a bare bottomed child who had defecated was shown reclining in a cot uncleaned. Other pictures also depicted what seems to be sub-standard practices at the preschool.
The online post, which was uploaded on 14 Feb also alleged the preschool had thrown away milk powder that parents had left to feed their children with.
“I read some post in Facebook with pictures shown. Serving bad nearing rotten fruits to children, dumping their milk powder when teachers forgot to feed. Children sleeping on tiles on floor. Babies poo in the cot and feeding on them unknowingly…Teachers there very hostile and refused to allow parents to view what the kids are during appointment with school for viewing,” said a Kiasu Parents forum member with nickname ‘voguemommy’.

photo: post01.com
photo: post01.com
photo: post01.com
photo: post01.com
photo: post01.com
photo: post01.com
photo: post01.com
photo: post01.com
Local newspaper, TODAY reported that the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) said it is aware of the social media article and is currently investigating it.
“Under the Child Care Centres Act, all childcare centres are required to meet the stipulated regulatory requirements to protect the safety, wellbeing and welfare of children in centres,” a spokesman of ECDA said.
Several parents and domestic helpers were seen picking up children when TODAY was at Jalan Mutiara on Thursday (16 Feb). One parent, Ms Ashna Kaul, said to Today that her two-and-a-half year old daughter had been at the preschool for under a year and the experience has been ‘just great’, but didn’t want to go into detail.
Another Kiasu Parents forum member, ‘rhyolite’ wrote, “I did not put my child there in the end.. The exterior of the school looks promising, however upon the school walkabout, i found the place rather run down. The lady who brought me around did not allow us to see the children in their classrooms, the reason quoted was that we could disturb their lessons. I accepted this reason.”
“It was 3pm, after nap time and the children were playing with blocks at the table with a teacher supervising. Their facial expressions were… blank too… I suggest you go and visit the place. For me, i found that looking for a childcare center is almost like buying a house, you really need to walk in and get a sense of what is going on in there. If you like that place, your child will probably like that place too,” rhyolite wrote.

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