A video shows a lift located at Tiong Bahru, showered with “waterfall” as a resident takes the lift up the HDB flat.
Renowned Singapore blogger, Mr Brown posted the video on his Facebook page, saying that Tiong Bahru flat has “waterfall feature”
He wrote that a reader by the name of Jonathan, sent him the video which was taken on Wednesday (8 February) night by his mother at his Tiong Bahru flat. Mr Brown noted that the person in the lift is just another resident.
The reader told Mr Brown that this allegedly happens every time it rains.
“So whose responsibility is it to fix this? HDB or Town Council?” Mr Brown wrote.
The incident is likely to have taken place at Tiong Bahru View 10A, which has just completed its construction in late 2015.
Tiong Baru View
A public video of the lift at Block 9A (just beside 10A) would show that the lift is similar.

Netizens commented on the video, saying that this has to be fixed soon as this pose danger to users.
Some also wrote cynical comments.

  • Michael Tok wrote, ” Nothing to fix. Please ask the resident to pay for the additional feature provided by the relevant department.”
  • Benny Tay wrote, “This uniquely Singapore feature we should be proud of lah! Maybe can market it to the region? Don’t need to repair lah!”
  • Bernard Chia wrote, “Whenever HDB and town council staff goes on an inspection, the rain would stop, no waterfall. Liao. Problem fixed!”
  • Janis Zhang wrote, “Tomorrow HDB will issue a statement that residents’ satisfaction with lift has improved by 90%. Problem solved. Nothing ever happened.”
  • Jonathan Poon wrote, “Artistically designed. Organic water flow. Provides calm and soothing effect to wash away the stress of life.”

TOC has written to the Tanjong Pagar Town Council for their response on this incident.

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