(Photo – Business Times)

Singapore’s national water agency PUB has put up a Request for Proposal (RFP) on Tuesday (7 Feb) for the development of Singapore’s fifth desalination plant on Jurong Island, to be ready by 2020.
The plant will add another 137,000 cubic metres, or approximately 30 million imperial gallons of desalinated water (mgd) a day to Singapore’s water supply, enhancing water supply resilience, the agency said in its press release (7 February).
Four applicants shortlisted from an earlier pre-qualification exercise will submit their proposals for the desalination plant. They are Keppel Infrastructure Holdings Pte Ltd, Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd, Tuas Power Ltd, and YTL Power International Berhad.
In December Keppel has been selected to design, build, own and operate Singapore’s fourth desalination plant in Marina East, which is also expected to be ready by 2020.
PUB said, “The fifth desalination plant will be co-located within the successful applicant’s current facility on Jurong Island so potential synergies in resources such as seawater intake and outfall structures or energy can be derived.”
Mr Young Joo Chye, PUB’s Director of Engineering Development and Procurement said, “Desalinated water is a key pillar of Singapore’s water supply strategy. As a source of water that is independent of rainfall, it bolsters the reliability of our water supply against prolonged periods of dry spells and droughts.”
The successful applicant – which will design, build, own and operate the plant – will enter into a 25-year water purchase agreement to supply desalinated water to PUB. PUB said, “The agreement will set out the tariff structure, terms and conditions for the supply and purchase of desalinated water.”
Desalinated water is expected to meet up to 30% of Singapore’s future water needs by 2060. There are currently two desalination plants in Singapore with a combined capacity of 100 mgd and this can meet up to 25% of Singapore’s current water demand. The third desalination plant is expected to be completed in Tuas this year, and the fourth in Marina East by 2020.
The Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli also has announced the (RFP) for the fifth desalination plant on his Facebook post on Tuesday.

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