President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wrote letters the Governor General of Canada David Lloyd Johnston and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to express their condolences over the attack of the Quebec City Islamic Cultural Centre Canada on Sunday (29 January) during evening prayers,
University of Quebec Hospital Centre spokeswoman Genevieve Dupuis said on Monday (30 January) that six people were killed, five people were critically injured, and at least 12 others suffered minor injuries. Those who were killed were ranged in age from age 35 to 65.
Le Journal de Quebec reported that the gunfire started at the Islamic center at around 8pm. It said that there were around 50 people attending the evening prayer at the time of the shooting. The center’s president Mohamed Yangui stated that the shooters reloaded at least three times.
One of the witnesses, who asked to remain anonymous, told Radio Canada, “The bullets hit people that were praying. People who were praying lost their lives. A bullet passed right over my head.”
The local Police have identified a lone suspect of the incident, a 27-year-old student at Laval University, Alexandre Bissonnette.
He was formally charged with six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder on Monday evening.
However, the Police stated that the motive is still unclear. It is also said that did not believe there were other suspects.
Initially, major news medias reported that a second man, a Moroccan origin Mohamed el Khadir, was identified as an additional suspect by Quebec officials.However, the Police has announced that there was only one suspect in the attack. Khadir was identified as a witness.
The Centre posted on its Facebook page that it is moved by what happened and thanked people for the messages that came from their compatriots, community and all over the world.
Here is what President Tony and PM Lee wrote in full:

Letter from President Tony Tan Keng Yam to Governor General of Canada His Excellency the Right Honourable David Lloyd Johnston:
30 January 2017
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Lloyd Johnston
Governor General and Commander-in-Chief
Your Excellency,
I was deeply saddened to learn of the attack at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City on 29 January 2017.  On behalf of the people of Singapore, I offer our deepest condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims.
Singapore strongly condemns the shooting which took place at a sacred place of worship during prayers.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the Canadian people during this challenging period.
Yours sincerely,
Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
30 January 2017
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
I was shocked by the deadly shooting at the Quebec City Islamic Cultural Centre on 29 January 2017 during evening prayers.  Singapore strongly condemns the attack at a sacred place of worship that has resulted in the loss of innocent lives.
On behalf of the Government of Singapore, I offer our deepest condolences to the bereaved families.  Our thoughts are with the Canadian people.
Yours sincerely,

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