Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) Trains Ltd announced its three new members that have been appointed to the respective Boards.
SMRT Corporation Ltd stated that it had appointed Mr Seah Moon Ming as a Director and the Deputy Chairman, and Mr Lee Fook Sun as a Director with effect from 1 January 2017. While SMRT Trains Ltd also had appointed Mr Seah as a Director and the Deputy Chairman, and Mr William Tan Seng Koon as a Director with effect from 25 January 2017.
Mr Seah Moon Ming is currently the Chairman of International Enterprise Singapore, Singapore Cooperation Enterprise, and Trusted Board Ltd. Mr Seah is a member of the Board of Trustees, SIM University, Singapore and an Adjunct Professor at its School of Science & Technology. He was the Chairman of Temasek Polytechnic from 2006 to 2014.
Mr Seah is also the Group Chief Executive Officer of Pavilion Energy Pte Ltd and Pavilion Gas Pte Ltd. He was Senior Managing Director of Special Projects for Temasek International Pte Ltd from 1 March to 30 September 2013. Prior to joining Temasek, he was the Deputy CEO & President (Defence) of Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd.
He first joined the Singapore Technologies Group in 1994 as General Manager of CET Technologies Pte Ltd. He was promoted to Managing Director of Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited in July 1997 and served as Singapore Technologies Electronics’ President from December 1997 to August 2009. Mr Seah was awarded the Public Service Star [BBM] by the President of the Republic of Singapore in 2014.
Mr Seah holds a Bachelor of Engineering with a major in Electronics Engineering from the National University of Singapore and a Master of Science (EE) with distinction from Naval Postgraduate School, USA. He also attended the Stanford-NUS Executive Program and the Management Development & Advanced Management Program at Harvard University.
Mr Lee Fook Sun is the Deputy CEO of Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. He is concurrently the President of Defence Business for the Singapore Technologies Engineering Group. In addition, Mr Lee is the Chairman of the Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA). He also sits on the Board of DSO National Laboratories and serves as a member of the Audit Committee.
Mr Lee joined Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited (ST Electronics) in December 2000 and was the President of ST Electronics from 15 August 2009 to 31 December 2016. Prior to this, he held several senior management appointments including President of Defence and International Business, Deputy President, Operations and President, Defence Business.
Before joining ST Electronics, he served in the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) as Director of Joint Intelligence Directorate from 1996 to 2000.
Mr Lee holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and a Master of Arts (Engineering Science) from the University of Oxford (UK). He was conferred the Honorary Fellowship from the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations (AFEO), in recognition of his contributions to the engineering profession and industry
Mr William Tan Seng Koon was the President & Chief Executive Officer of SIA Engineering Company for 14 years until he retired in 2015. He has held several senior positions in his 37 years career in the Singapore Airlines Group and has held Chairmanship and Board Directorships in several international companies.
Mr Tan is a Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore, Fellow of Institute of Engineers and Fellow of Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers. He graduated from University of Singapore (NUS) with a Bachelor of Engineering in 1976.

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