The missing Singapore Armed Forces’ (SAF) confiscated armoured vehicles in Hong Kong were moved indoors last month, the Hong Kong’s Customs and Excise Department said on 3 Jan.
A spokesman of the department said, “The suspected controlled items are still kept at a customs storage place in Tuen Mun. They have been stored indoors since 6 Dec.”
“As the case is still under investigation, no further information is available,” the spokesman said.
Hong Kong’s Apple Daily wrote that the nine SAF Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles, which had been stored outdoors in a storage facility in Tuen Mun, went missing in its report on 2 Jan.
However, in contrary to HK customs’ statement that the vehicles were stored indoor since 6 Dec, the newspaper reported that between 26 November and 30 December last year, the nine vehicles were spotted by its reporter to be present at the warehouse covered with green canvas.

Photo: SCMP
Photo: SCMP
Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, said at a daily briefing that the Hong Kong government is handling the incident in accordance with relevant laws.
Singapore has reassured China in November that it will not deviate from the one-China principle while making it clear the city state hopes to exercise its ‘full rights of recovery’.
The remarks by Singapore’s foreign affairs minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan came a day after China’s foreign ministry said it had lodged a diplomatic protest to Singapore over the incident, demanding Singapore to strictly abide by the one-China principle.
Observers said the protest was a warning to both Singapore and Taiwan, as Singapore had been carrying out military exercises on the independent island, a practice that has bothered Beijing for some time since Taiwan is being recognised as a sovereign country.

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