Source : We want Grace Fu to resign Facebook page.

A series of photos have been uploaded online on social media showing Minister of MCCY, Grace Fu parking at a season parking lot at Jurong estate.

In the photos, Ms Fu was shown to have parked her Mercedes car at a season parking lot.

It was said that the person who took the photos was the HDB car park on Sunday (11 December) waiting for his wife when he saw a man standing at a red season parking lot, reserving a season parking slot.

The person was said to have gone up to speak to the man who then identified himself as a policeman. The policeman explained that he was reserving the red colored parking lot for a “VIP”.

The person later moved back to his car to continue waiting for his wife. When the VIP arrived at the lot reserved by the policeman, it turned out that the VIP was Minister Grace Fu.

Source : We want Grace Fu to resign Facebook page.

Season parking allows residents to park anywhere in an HDB car park group at any time, without having to display parking coupons. Season parking is for long-term parking, and is sold on a calendar month basis.
The red colored lots are reserved for such paying HDB residents.

Under 18(1) of the Parking Places Rules (R2, Cap.214), the car owner is subjected to a $50 fine if one parks in a season parking place without a valid season parking.

Many netizens who saw the photos shared on social media, claimed that she has performed an illegal act by parking at a lot without a valid season parking. However, as the minister is also a Member of Parliament representing the Yuhua SMC where this parking lot may have been situated in, it might be possible that minister is exempted from such rules.

TOC has written to Ms Fu and will include her response when she replies.

Many of those who felt that Ms Fu had violated the regulations were not too kind with their remarks.

One of such netizens, William Lee wrote, “She is also some Certain Natural Assristocrats with the sense of self entitlement and can suka suka do, act, behave, and say anything to her whims and fancies. And that, she is the law, in this case, she can suka suka park any where and any place to her whims and fancies. If her boss no need to dismount and push, why must she?”

Another, Ng Kah Seng wrote, “So rich and so high up there in her ivory tower. No wonder she is so oblivious to the everyday hardships of Singaporeans and elderly. I also can be an MP, easy job I swear, no different from an data entry personnel. Just have some background knowledge of Singapore and politics, and then attend meetings, sign several documents, prepare speeches when needed and viola, that’s the MP life. Get paid nearly 20k a month. Good life.”

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