photo: straitstimes

A fire broke out at Raffles Girls’ School in Anderson Road yesterday evening(19 Oct) at around 7.30 pm .

The school’s deputy principal, Ms May Tan, was in her office on the ground-floor when the fire alarm went off at around 7.30pm. Smelling smoke, she went to the fourth floor, because she suspected the science laboratories was the place where the smell and the alarm came from.

Ms Tan told a reporter, “The smell of smoke was stronger and while I didn’t see flames, I saw an orange glow in a science lab.”

She told a staff member to call the police and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and made announcement for everyone in the school to evacuate to the foyer at the ground floor.

She said, “As it was late, most students and staff had gone home.”

The SCDF received the call about the fire at around 7.30pm and they sent three Red Rhinos, a fire engine and three support appliances to the scene.

The fire was extinguished shortly after the SCDF team arrived. By the time the officers arrived, 17 school staff had evacuated, SCDF said.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated.


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