A motorist, Aaron Rylan Facebook page shared a video from his dashcam at Bedok Stadium on 15 October at 14.06 pm, showing a boy on a bike used his car as a ramp and fleeing the scene immediately after the deed.

Aaron had posted the video in attempt to seek out the boy who had caused damage to his car. However, he said that he would not discuss the damage incurred on the social media and would rather to settle it privately.

Aaron said that he had lodged a report and investigations were ongoing.

He still, however, offered for the boy to come forward to settle the damages so everybody can continue with their lives.

He wrote at the end of his post, “Lastly my last request (Rationale Of This Posted Video) Friends, mothers, fathers, uncles and aunties to kindly educate your children to think before performing such Acts or at least Find A Vehicle Without An in-Car Camera!”

Eric Lee Chim Seng, a commenter on the video wrote, ” I view this case as vandalism. Similar to about 2 decades ago what Michael Fay has done graffiti to the cars. He was given caning. Meantime, with this publicity, let the public prosecutor take up and press the charges onto this bicycle rider. An apology must be made together and accompanied with the cost of the repair plus an adequate compensation for lost of usage. “…a pound of flesh has to be paid…” in accordance to Singapore Judicial System. Period.”

While Romi Sofhian wrote, “What if another car was parking and driver is renting without a dash cam. Just imagine the agony he need to go through by paying damages for someone else fools!! Hope they get arrested soon!”

Around five hours after the post was written, one of the Facebook user, Alvin Tan, identified a boy who was said to be the same person in the video. He compared the picture from the video and the picture from the boy’s Facebook page.

When asked whether he was sure that the boy is the same person, Alvin answered that he is sure according to his source.


Commenters wrote that the boy should be punished for what he did. He should be jailed or at least canned. Jei Siregar wrote, “I hope they find him. And I hope they cane him. Not jail him. Just cane him.”

Jinhe Ng wrote, “Settle the damages doesn’t help him. Let the law deal with him before he know how to behave himself.”

Some were harsher in their comments. Mirza Lazytoertentain wrote, “I’m sure they’d get their just desserts from their parents and the law (I hope their parents will punish them in a way they’d never forget). I would support a jail term for my kids if it would mean they’d learn their lesson and be prevented from turning into hooligans.
To willfully damage a very expensive piece of property means they’d have no qualms committing other ‘expensive’ crimes and offences. Better to teach a harsh lesson early than have them commit something in the future for which the consequences can be much bigger.”

Fortunately, on 16 October, Aaron posted another status update, saying that he had settled the issue privately with the boy, Izzad Adnaff, and his family.

He asked everybody’s attention to kindly respect Mr Izzad and his family after the said video had gone viral and thanked everybody for the help.


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