(17 August) Massive fire accident happening at a building located at 39 Tampines Street with 23 vehicles deployed by Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) to fight the fire.

SCDF posted a video on the fire scene, showing the fire raging on the 3rd and 4th floor of No. 39, Tampines Street 92, CK Building

SCDF wrote that it has deployed 6 water jets on the exterior of the building to contain the fire and dispatched a total of 5 Fire Engines, 2 Red Rhinos, 2 Fire Bikes, 12 support vehicles & 2 Ambulances.

In a subsequent post, SCDF state the action taken by its officers to fight the fire and why it was unable to fight the fire from inside the building.

Hours after the fire broke, SCDF continued its struggle to fight the fire at the building. One fire fighter was sent to the hospital due to heat exhaustion.

After putting the fire under control, SCDF address the building’s deep-seated fire.

Members of Public also went on social media to post images and videos of the fire scene.




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