Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Ministry of Education (MOE) have announced two new statutory boards to be formed under the two ministries to drive the national SkillsFuture initiative.
A new statutory board under MOE, SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), will be formed to drive and coordinate the implementation of SkillsFuture. It will take over some of the functions currently performed by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and absorb the Council for Private Education (CPE), an existing statutory board under MOE.
At the same time, WDA will be reconstituted into a new statutory board, Workforce Singapore (WSG), focused on jobs and ensuring enterprises can become manpower-lean while remaining competitive. The new statutory board will remain under MOM.
The two minister’s joint statement expressed that the changes would involve a reorganisation within Government rather than increase the overall number of statutory boards.
The reorganisation would also require changes to existing laws and will have to undergo Parliamentary legislative processes. In the meantime, WDA and CPE will continue to perform their statutory functions until the new statutory boards have been established.
Subject to the completion of the necessary legislative processes, the new statutory boards are expected to be established by the end of 2016.

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