Low Thia Khiang

Secretary-General of Workers’ Party (WP) Low Thia Khiang and Party Chairman Sylvia Lim turned up at the market along Circuit Road on Friday morning along with party members to sell the party’s newsletter and indicate its intention to contest in the MacPherson Single Member Constituency for the upcoming General Election.

Opposition parties met at National Solidarity Party (NSP)’s headquarters just last night to decide which parties would be contesting in which wards so as to prevent three-corner fights. But WP did not turn up for the meeting.

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Ms Sylvia Lim addressed the media on the matter, stating that the party had initiated a meeting with the NSP, who had indicated their intention to contest in Marine Parade GRC and MacPherson SMC, before the first opposition meeting that was held on the 3rd of August.

“During the meeting, we actually conveyed a concrete proposal to avoid a 3-corner fight in Marine Parade as well as in MacPherson.

“Subsequently, we noted that at the meeting itself, the first meeting on the 3rd of August, the NSP had indicated disagreement, so we felt an assessment that it would not be productive to attend the subsequent meeting that was held on Thursday. So time is of the essence to us, so we will have to proceed.”

WP came face to face with members from the People’s Action Party who were also doing their walkabouts in the absence of Ms Tin Pei Ling who has just given birth to a baby boy this week.

The meeting was cordial but not without a tint of anxiety, given that WP came down to the SMC with a full force of potential candidates.

Apart from MacPherson, WP also went for a walkabout at Geylang Serai Market, which falls within Marine Parade GRC. This would indicate the party’s intention to go ahead with the contestation of the GRC despite a possible three-corner fight with National Solidarity Party and the People’s Action Party.

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