
Commuters will enjoy a reduction in train and bus fares of up to 1.9% at the end of the year, Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew told reporters on Monday.

Speaking to the press at a preview of new Circle Line trains, Lui said the specific reductions would be worked out by the Public Transport Council (PTC), but that “every commuter group” would be expected to pay lower fares. he also said that the adjustment would be expected to coincide with the opening of the second phase of the Downtown Line.

The PTC, an independent body that oversees bus services and bus and train fares, reviews transport fares annually. Public transport operators usually first submit their applications for fare hikes before the review.

Public transport fares are also dependent on transport operator costs, energy cost, inflation and wages. Lui said that this upcoming reduction in fares was due to reduced fuel costs.

The fares were last adjusted in April this year, with adult card fares for buses increasing by two to five cents, while cash fares increased by about 10 cents.

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