SDP [Photo: Sofian Razali, TOC]
SDP [Photo: Sofian Razali, TOC]
SDP [Photo: Sofian Razali, TOC]
By Timothy Lai

The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) officially unveiled its first two General Election candidates, Ms Chong Wai Fung and Mr Khung Wai Yeen, at a press conference held in its new headquarters today. The party has not announced which constituencies they will contest in.

The candidates’ profiles were released on the party’s website just before the press conference.

Ms Chong was part of the team with Dr Chee Soon Juan which made its house  visits in Bukit Timah on 16th August 2015.

She is currently the treasurer of the SDP and heads the Women Democrats.

She is a healthcare research analyst and holds two master’s degrees in Clinical Epidemiology and Business Administration.

Ms Chong is also an Administrator in Ren Ci Nursing Home (Moulmein).

On why she chose to stand as a candidate, Ms Chong said, “I don’t see why I should be sitting down waiting for others to do the job when I believe I can do it.”

Chong [Photo: Sofian Razali, TOC]
Chong [Photo: Sofian Razali, TOC]
Mr Khung Wai Yeen is an Accounts Manager in a European multinational company. He was an ex- Engineering Naval Specialist with the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN).

Mr Khung told the press he will champion the SDP’s alternative policies, including CPF, housing, and healthcare.

“With a small tweak of policy, we can actually do things that benefit a lot of residents,” he said.

Khung [Photo: Sofian Razali, TOC]
Khung [Photo: Sofian Razali, TOC]
“Why I join politics and stand in this GE? It’s really to stand up for people facing difficulties… Someone has to take these [alternative] policies, present it to the people and let them make the decision.”

Dr Chee Soon Juan, secretary general of the SDP, was confident of his party’s success in the coming elections because they “have been ready” to “face the electorate squarely”.

“We do not have a strongest team,” he said, “[but] we have a strong team of eleven candidates.”

When asked why the SDP chose to push forward its press conference when they originally intended to hold it at the end of the week, Dr Chee explained, “We have taken some of your [the media’s] advice… Why wait when we have all these sorted out?”

Dr Chee also questioned the secrecy surrounding when the elections will be held.

He believes the current system does not allow voters to make a wise choice at the polls.

“This is not how you hold a democratic election. We must know in advance and tell the constituencies where we are going… so that voters are well informed to cast their votes,” Dr Chee said.

SDP will announce its full roster in the next few days.

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