In yet another attempt to sling mud at local activists, “Fabrication about PAP”, a fanpage aligned to People’s Action Party posted a photo of blogger Roy Ngerng, along with a group of people at the airport.

In the initial post, it wrote, “Jobless, unemployed, in financial problem, he said one. Someone so fast on another all paid holiday trip oversea to bad mouth Singapore to get funding? Seen at Changi T1 just now.”

The photo was taken at Changi Airport Terminal 1 without the knowledge of Roy Ngerng and his companions.

TOC confirmed with Roy Ngerng that he is there only to send activist and social worker, Vincent Wijeysingha off at the airport.

Earlier in the day at the High Court for his defamation suit with the Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Roy had said that he is to serve National Service next week from Monday onwards for two weeks.

TOC understands that from an earlier interview with Mr Vincent that he is departing to New Zealand where he has secured a job. This after allegedly having local job opportunities disrupted by Internal Security Department of Singapore.

edit history of FAP

The administrator subsequently changed the write up to say that Roy has confessed about a formerly funded trip. However, many of the viewers were given the impression that Roy was going on an overseas trip despite claiming to be in financial difficulties.

flying off 2 flying off

TOC understands from sources that the administrator and contributors of the fanpage are in contact with PAP MPs.

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日前,新加坡前进党秘书长陈清木呼吁争取让18岁青年拥有投票权,不过我国目前仍不打算降低投票年龄。 贸工部长陈振声代李显龙总理,书面答复三巴旺集选区议员林伟杰医生的国会提问,指出我国是以渐进方式,来决定个人应承担不同职责的不同法定年龄。 “一个人权利和责任随着他心智成熟逐渐增加,一直到他达到普通法制度下21岁的成年年龄。” 降至18岁增13万选民 他说,若把投票年龄降至18岁,将有多达13万青年具备投票资格。 陈振声表示,一个人成年后以成人身份做决定,并从事涉及重大个人责任的活动,如投票决定由谁组织政府、投选依据宪法监督行使监督和否决权的总统,都需要经验和成熟度。 对于有意对国家大事发表意见、希望有所作为的青年,陈振声说政府会继续透过青年活动计划等平台,让青年发表意见,和为国家作贡献。 陈清木认为,18岁青年已经可以开车、上大专、还要参加国民服役,有责任保卫国家,那么他们也有权利选择他们的政府和领袖。他们已经够成熟做出决定。 他说,18岁也是大部分国家的投票年龄。之前有说法指青年对政治不感兴趣。但如果他们成为民主过程的一部分,他们将扮演重要角色。 邻国马来西亚刚在上月18日,在国会得到朝野议员支持通过修宪,让18岁或以上的青年,自动成为选民,可在来届大选可以投票。这也是马国现任希盟政府首次成功修宪。

【冠状病毒19】酷航确认飞天津航班 竟有13人确诊感染!

从新加坡去往中国天津的酷航一趟航班,13名乘客被检测出感染冠状病毒19!其中11名乘客相信是在建筑行业工作,被检测时均无症状。 日前社交媒体微信中的一篇文章揭露,来自新加坡酷航TR138班机中,有13人确诊感染冠状病毒19。 13人中均为男性,约40至50岁左右,当时并无症状,而且体温也在摄氏36.5度左右。 不过,他们在做核酸检测时被确诊,随后被送往当地医院。 这些员工均从事建筑行业,只有在人力部确认没有感染病毒后,才获准回国,即指他们可能是在早前接受拭子检测呈阴性,或冠病康复患者。 目前复工的客工必须进行每14天例行检测一次,作为预防措施,一旦发现确诊将会再次被隔离,而且不允许离开新加坡,直至痊愈。 已通报卫生部 酷航也确认此事,指目前已接获中国当局的消息。该班机共有223人,在酷航接获通知后,也向我国卫生部通报。 所有相关飞行人员,包括空服员和机师也将会在未来14日内停止所有工作,并紧密留意自己的身体状况。 酷航也表示,自恢复航班飞行后,酷航也在所有航班上採取了额外的安全措施。 除了广为人知的安全措施如分配座位、登记前的体温检测和飞行中必须强制戴口罩。乘客在登机前也需填写健康声明,包括告知呼吸道感染的任何症状。 机组人员在执勤时也必须佩戴适当的个人防护设备,包括口罩和面罩。…