
For the three months of August to October, households using City Gas will see an increase of gas tariffs of 3.6 per cent.

This will see the increase from 17.62 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) to 18.25 cents per kWh for the quarter.

City Gas, which supplies gas to 90 per cent of HDB households and private properties, explained that the hike “is due to a 12.7% increase in fuel costs compared to the previous quarter.”

The Energy Market Authority, the gas industry regulator, sets the guidelines for the tariffs.

Gas prices were lowered by 7.3 per cent in the May-July quarter.

The increase in gas tariffs follows the increase in electricity tariffs last month. All households across the board saw an increase of 7.4 per cent.

SP Services said the rate, to last until Sept 30, was “due to a 15.1 per cent increase in the cost of natural gas for electricity generation from the second quarter of this year.”

The average monthly electricity bill for a family living in a four-room Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat may go up by S$6.01, reported the TODAY newspaper.

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