Photo: TODAY
Photo: TODAY
Photo: TODAY

Mr Tan Chuan-jin, the new Minister for Social Development and Family, spoke at a forum on Monday at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

The title of the forum was, “What will you give up for a better society?”, and it was organised by Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Interdisciplinary Studies.

Mr Tan was asked various questions on various topics by the 200 students.

One of these questions was whether the two casinos at the Integrated Resorts (IRs) have brought more social ills into the country.

According to a TODAY report of the forum:

“Mr Tan said the decision to introduce IRs here was a necessary ‘judgement call’ on the part of the Government to serve as an economic anchor in the region.”

TODAY added:

“Even without the IRs, people will find a way to gamble if they want to gamble — like going on online gambling sites, or going to neighbouring countries,” he said. The key is to manage the numbers, he said, citing the entry levy for Singaporeans and permanent residents as one measure.

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