Pink Dot Sg logoThe Pink Dot Sg Organising Committee has issued a condolence letter to the family of Lee Kuan Yew.

The Pink Dot Sg Organising Committee wishes to express our deepest condolences to the family of Singapore’s First Prime Minister and Former Minister Mentor, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

As Singapore’s longest-serving Prime Minister, Mr. Lee’s commitment and dedication to Singapore is unquestioned.

Singapore, home to diverse communities living side-by-side, is by no means a utopia. But it is a country built on the backs of people who share in the hopes and dreams of forging a nation united in a common cause: to succeed against all odds.

Singapore is a testament to the efforts of Mr. Lee and our pioneer generation, who have collectively sacrificed much for the comforts we enjoy today.

It is our hope that we, as Singaporeans, regardless of race, language, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, continue to build on the successes of our past generations.

It is also our hope that, despite differences in opinion, backgrounds, and beliefs, Singapore will grow to be a loving nation that champions inclusivity and celebrates diversity for one and all – for it is our differences that truly make us great.

Singapore will feel Mr. Lee’s absence very keenly.

Paerin Choa
Pink Dot Sg Organising Committee

The condolence letter is appended below.

Statement on demise of LKY

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