SMRT train

1 hour of train service disruption of up to 15 minutes delay in travelling time due to train signalling fault at Yishun MRT station along the North-South Line (NSL).

Spokesperson for SMRT, Mr Patrick Nathan, Vice President of Corporate Information and Communications, SMRT said this evening that a train travelling on the North-South Line towards Jurong East stalled at the Yishun platform this afternoon at 3:36pm due to a signalling fault.

He added that there was a delay of about 15 minutes to trains moving in both directions, as SMRT sought to reroute trains to minimise impact to service.

Train services resumed to normal schedules after about an hour. Station and train announcements were made to all affected commuters.

However, no updates were available on twitter or its facebook page when the disruption took place.

Mr Nathan also said that SMRT is also reviewing its processes for updating commuters via Twitter with a view to providing even more timely updates

It is also unknown if SMRT would be reporting the delay to the Land Transport Authority as 15 minutes or 1 hour as although the additional commuters’ travelling time was about 15 minutes but the incident lasted 1 hour.

TOC has sent media enquries to SMRT and will include their response when they reply.

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