A screenshot of a comment made by “Edz Ello” has been making its way around the internet, causing much negative reaction from Singaporeans netizens towards it.

Edz Ello, who is supposedly a Filipino wrote, “Now the Singaporeans are loosers in their own country, we take their jobs, their future, their women, and soon, we will evict all SG loosers out of their own country…”

It is unknown where this comment was screenshot from but circulation of the screenshot started on Saturday.

comment by supposedly foreigner

As the screenshot was posted on social media platform and online forums, people started to do a search on the personal profile of this individual.

Information of of the person, personal photos, his social media accounts, as well as his work place were dug out by tech sauvy netizens and shared on forums.

The person who has supposedly made the comment has since either deactivated his account or changed his public username as the link to his facebook account is no longer accessible.

People who have been offended by the screenshot have also made their way to the fanpage of Tan Tock Seng Hospital and asking for comments from the hospital.

Ting Aik Leong wrote,

“One of your staffs has made comments about Singaporeans Edz Ello has made disparaging comments. I am worried for Singaporean patients under his care.

He may do harm due to his hated for them. I would strongly urge you to sack him for making inappropriate comments online. I hope you have HR policies that deal with such thing. Although he is not speaking as an Tan Tock Seng Hospital employee, he is working in a healthcare industry that have many sick Singaporeans. There are many cases when people in the healthcare industries betrayed the trust the patients had on them by doing something nasty to him. His online behavior profiles him as one such person…”

The hospital’s fanpage administrator reply to the commenters was a standard, “We do expect our staff to be respectful and professional at all times. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and rest assure we will look into this.”

This is not the first social media incident involving Singaporeans and Filipinos.

Just last year, Singaporeans took offense to the proposed celebration of the Philippines Independence at Ngee Ann City and was ultimately cancelled due to the police’s advise.

Also, a blog was created after the incident to “teach” how to discriminate Filipinos But the blog was subsequently taken down by blogspot.com and the Philippine embassy expressed concern over the incident.

Update: Tan Tock Seng hospital has updated on its fanpage that the concerned staff is one of its nurse and he has reported that his facebook account was being hacked.

“Dear all, the staff concerned is one of our nurses. He has reported to the police that his Facebook account has been hacked. We are cooperating with the police on the investigation. Thank you for the alerts and concern.”

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