taichi PAP
Image by Joshua Chiang
By Philip Ang
The rat infestation in Bukit Batok has confirmed PAP politicians are irresponsible and always quick in deflecting blame also known as tai chi masters online.
Every time an issue surfaces, PAP MPs and government agencies will absolve themselves of blame with mainstream media propaganda or expect nameless persons to take responsibility. PAP has indeed taken tai chi to greater heights in the 21st century. A few PAP tai chi moves which have been identified:
Blame the nameless – Recall PAP MP Alvin Yeo’s law firm overcharging by $1 million? The blame was assigned to nameless clerks who had prepared the bills.
Blame own kindness – When PAP MP Intan blur-blur anyhow supported PRC con artist’s PR application, it wasn’t her fault. She was such a caring and kind MP and had to help an elderly citizen ‘reunite’ with her suddenly-come-from-nowhere overseas “grandson”.
Blame an object – As for the Little India riot, alcohol became a temporary PAP mantra for a few months after 8 December 2013.
Blame no one – Public housing shortage was NOT caused by the MND minister, perm sec or HDB CEO. No one cause it. Period. So long as sufficient units have now been constructed at much higher prices, Singaporeans should just learn to be happy and move on. Likewise for the acute hospital bed shortage.
Blame the weather – Minister Yaacob Ibrahim’s once-in-50-years Orchard Road ponding was due to unpredictable weather so cannot anyhow blame PAP’s poor planning.
Shifting the focus – When it was revealed that GIC had lost about 25% of its value, Great Grandmaster LKY compared our performance with Harvard University’s endowment fund which fell by 30%!
Location of rat colony
bukit batok hill rat jtc
The mainstream media have been deflecting the issue from one of Jurong TC’s incompetence to the feeding of stray dogs. Bear in mind the issue was highlighted some 730 days ago.
But the PAP would have nothing to do with it as PAP MPs are helming Jurong TC. Recall the PAP was quick to blame alcohol for the Little India riot but made no mention of legislations passed by the PAP for alcohol sale and consumption in public places for years.
The root cause of many other issues is the lack of a proper maintenance regime. An example would be the HDB which set a new record of 22 occupants living in a 4-room HDB flat last year. Like many government agencies, HDB rules look good on paper but there is hardly any inspection/enforcement action.
The rodent issue again confirms a ‘bochap’ attitude of our grassroots. Without instructions from ‘above’, such as from PAP MP David Ong, grassroots will always turn a blind eye to EVERY issue.
It is doubtful the TC officer was even present at the job site during the 2 years which the rats were feasting and heeding PAP’s call to increase the population. I have my doubts because many property officers from my TC do not seem to have been at their job sites for years. After years of feedback, this led me to set up a blog to assist the various TCs and MND.
Thought of this interesting question – what happens if a piece of plywood falls onto an area under the responsibility of HDB, LTA, and Jurong TC?
From the way PAP has been handling issues, the possible solutions are:
1 – Contact the Municipal Services Office. As this is such a complex issue, Minister Grace Fu’s presence at the site may be needed.
2 – Problem is Grace Fu may not always have a handbag carrier and therefore unable to assist.
Grace Fu carrying handbag
3 – CEOs of HDB, LTA and Jurong TC would then need to conduct an urgent meeting to brainstorm possible solutions.
4 – The ideal solution is likely to engage a contractor, cut up the plywood into 3 pieces and disposed of individually.
The PAP had better start to fix its broken system instead of continuing to live in denial. Stop complicating simple issues with the setting up of even more government agencies and becoming more adept at tai chi, always blaming others.
Do taxpayers a favour by getting rid of all the highly-paid ‘jiak liow bee’ scholars/ministers. In return, the government will be able to regain citizens’ trust. Singaporeans have already paid a high price for incompetence and have no need for such ‘tai chi’ masters.

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