state court entrance
Three former high-ranking staff members of ship builder, Singapore Technologies (ST) Marine were charged in court on Thursday under the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA) and the Penal Code.
Former ST Marine president, Chang Cheow Teck, 54 faces three charges of corruption involving a total sum of $273,778. He is also being accused of conspiring with his subordinates, Teh Yew Shyan and Ong Teck Liam, 58 between 2004 and 2010.
Chang helmed the company from March 2008 to April 2010 before taking over as the role of President at ST Aerospace and stepping off from the position on 1 July, 2014.
The then-Group Financial Controller and Senior Vice President of Finance Ong Tek Liam, 58 was charged with 118 counts under the Penal Code of making false petty cash claims amounting to over $500,000 in entertainment expenses, when there were none.
Ong held her position from April 2007 to December 2012.
According to the press release sent by ST Enigneering, Mok Kim Whang, 64 the Senior Vice President of Tuas Yard at ST Marine from June 2000 to July 2004, also received one charge under the Prevention of Corruption Act for allegedly conspiring with others to corruptly pay $43,721 to a company in May 2004.
ST Engineering also said in the press release that ST Marine has been cooperating fully with the investigations by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) since 2011.

“ST Engineering is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and recognises that fraud is detrimental to the reputation of the ST Engineering Group…”
“ST Engineering does not condone fraud, including corruption and bribery, and is fully committed to proactively mitigating the risk of its occurrence.”

It added that the charges against the three accused are not expected to impact the earnings per share of the group for the current financial year.

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针对早前《网络公民》与自由新闻工作者韩俐颖被点名指出,接受外资、或聘雇外国人撰写负面新闻,企图分裂新加坡一事,博客兼维权人士鄞义林(Roy Ngerng),力挺独立媒体与本地维权人士,表示对于被政客抹黑的感同身受。 鄞义林于昨日(26日)在脸书上发文表示,身为曾被抹黑的受害者的他而言,他最初亦认为新加坡是个民主法治的社会,不料在他受到迫害后,他发现国家掌控了媒体的报道,将所有言论指向支持政府,当时他的想法因而产生了变化。 “当我看到主流媒体以某种方式刻画我的形象时,我就知道这些所谓的新闻,其实应该称之为政府宣传片,都是政府事先规划或者准许发放的消息,以控制人民的思想”,鄞义林说道。 在不断看见主流媒体对他的批评和报道负面新闻后,鄞义林表示,他曾试过反驳他们但却不得要领。他也澄清,很多人认为,他会有一群支持者或其他独立媒体会支持他,但事实上,当时他唯一抗辩的管道,就只有自己的博客和脸书。 消息来源必须再三推敲,检测新闻真实性 至此之后,当他看见部长正抹黑其他维权人士与媒体时,他说他必须先再三推敲确认部长的消息来源。他也解释他如何检测新闻的真实性。 “我的经验告诉我,我了解必须反复搜索消息来源,找出消息最初的来源之地,所以我会设法到放置部长所说的演讲或消息的官网上查看是否与记者或维权人士相符。然后,如果有任何标明是“真相或事实”的消息,我会查看各种不同政府来源、国际报告、学术研究、或其他值得信赖的消息网站,以作证实说法。而你,也应该如此。” 他强调,如果不反复推敲确认消息来源,他不能站在判断的角度去看待,因此他说,若选择接受部长的意见或抹黑韩俐颖与许渊臣,如同形成压迫,因为不愿意去查看消息,并在缺乏依据下做出判断,并不属于中立,是一种政治上的偏见。 鄞义林:只有实事求是的报导,才会获读者支持 另外,鄞义林也强调独立媒体的立场,有别于财力雄厚的主流媒体,独立媒体并不会轻易报道,因为他们承受不起失去读者的信任与声誉,在主流媒体的主导下,独立媒体只能靠着报道事实来维持营运。 “因此,新加坡独立媒体没有那个“本事”,他们要么报道事实,要么失去工作。”他说。…

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