Dr Ng

NG Eng Hen
Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen revealed that more than 200 applications have been received for the new Singapore Armed Forces Volunteer Corps (SAFVC) via his Facebook status update last night, Sunday.
Application for the volunteer corps commenced last week on 13 October. The SAFVC was first proposed by the Committee to Strengthen National Service (CSNS) to “enable women, first generation Permanent Residents and new citizens to contribute to national defence and strengthen support for NS (National Service).”
Dr Ng revealed in his Facebook post that a quarter of the applicants are women and 60% of the applicants are citizens, while the rest are Permanent Residents.
“The SAF will screen through applicants carefully to find those with suitable aptitudes and skills to be pioneer batches of the SAFVC that can strengthen our national defence,” he said.
He added that reasons for volunteering cited by the applicants include “give back to Singapore”, “lead by example for my son”, and to offer their “talent and service”.
Dr. Ng ended his status post by stating that, “Applications are still open for those who want to serve” and he is happy with the response so far.

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解析人们要戴口罩心理 淡马亚:因不确定谁已被感染

新加坡民主党主席、也是传染病专家的淡马亚,在本月3日接受《海峡时报》采访,针对近期武汉新型冠状病毒疫情,解答群众疑惑。 其中主持人也反映网民的疑问:口罩只有身体不适才戴?难道戴口罩不也能保护那些身体健康的人士? 对此淡马亚直言,戴口罩确实能预防或减少沾染病毒的几率;但如果生病了,本就不该到处走,被潮湿了的口罩会失去防传染效率。“而如果你有感染新冠病毒的风险,都会直接被送到传染病中心进行隔离。” 他重申,生病了也不该去上班、搭地铁等,反之应戴上口罩,直接去就诊。且前往就诊前应告知医生此前是否去过中国、并避开人多密集地方等。 “假定每个人(病患)都这么做。那么健康者都不需要戴口罩,因为大部分走在街上的人都是健康的,也不会担心突然有人在你面前咳嗽传染给你。” “但现在许多人担忧,可能仍有生病的人走在外头,所以我想这点是值得注意的。” 为何身体健康的群众选择戴口罩?淡马亚认为,这可能是出于人们不确定和担忧,一些身体不适者可能还如常出外。 但他也补充,不仅是个人,整个机制也应避免那些病患和特定群体被污名化,“一旦被污名化,这些(病患)可能更不愿意出来接受就诊,这反而让更多隐瞒自身病情,可能让更多人被感染。” 淡马亚医生是国立大学医学教授,也是国大医院传染病学部高级顾问。有着传染病学研究专业背景。事实上国大(NUH)传染疾病部门,还是淡马亚在2003年创立的。 戴不戴口罩?引起坊间热议 对于到底健康者戴不戴口罩曾引起坊间剧烈争议,甚至药房手术口罩都被一扫而空,市面上很难买到口罩(不然就是需大排长龙)。不过包括总理李显龙和他的阁僚都曾提醒,除非身体不适才需戴口罩。 新加坡政府是在本月1日宣布,派发多达520万个口罩,予国内130万户家庭。平均每一户新加坡籍家庭,可获分配四个手术口罩。…


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