The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has launched the 2014 Native Orchids of Singapore Coins. The coins are the fourth in a series that celebrates the beauty of over 200 species of orchids that once thrived in Singapore, some of which are still found in our forests today. The coins will be issued on 23 July 2014.
The 2014 Native Orchids of Singapore Coins feature two native orchids –Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi and Coelogyne rochussenii. Both orchids have been reintroduced successfully to parks and other nature areas.
The Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi is characterised by its star-shaped flowers, which are yellow with specks of deep maroon on them. The flowers measure about 3 cm to 4 cm in diameter and usually last for a long period of time. The orchid usually grows on trees in exposed lowland areas and can be found in many parts of South-East Asia.
The other orchid, Coelogyne rochussenii has pale yellowish-green flowers, with the sidelobes of its white lip containing brown pigments. The lemon-scented flowers measure about 5 cm in diameter. Each hanging flower spray can reach 70 cm long with more than 30 flowers. Its flowers usually bloom in the morning and close partially in the evening.
A portion of the circumference of each coin is semi-rimless, which is a unique feature of the coins in the series while the obverse of the coin bears the Singapore Arms with the year 2014.
The coins can be purchased individually or as a coin set from the Singapore Mint. For more details on the coins, visit .
native orchids

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