Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen has just announced that the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) for National Servicemen will be revised from the current five stations to just three, with the aim of making training for IPPT simpler and to pass.
The three stations for the revised IPPT will be sit ups, push-ups and 2.4 km run.
Mr Ng Eng Hen shared this announcement in his facebook post on Wednesday.

The Army has completed their review for the new IPPT. Instead of the current five, there will be 3 stations – 2.4km run, sit-ups and push-ups.
This new format will make it simpler for NSmen to train for IPPT, and for more to pass. Many other militaries use 3-station tests to keep their forces fit.
We will also have more age bands and a new scoring system. Instead of a pass mark for each station, points will be awarded and the combined points from the 3 stations will be used. This way, soldiers can make up through more sit-ups, if they are weak in push-ups and running, or vice versa. There’s a limit to how much you can make up, but I like this counting system because it encourages NSmen to max out on each station and it plays to the individual’s strengths.
Pass Mark? For NSFs, Regulars and Awards, about the same as before. For NSmen, some adjustments based on past data.
Even though the new IPPT is simpler to train for, it will still take effort and regular exercise to pass. And that’s the idea – keeping healthy and fit should be a lifestyle and it’s good for you. We expect more to pass the new IPPT, as a result. Look out for training apps and programmes to help you.
Chief of Army Perry Lim will provide more details tomorrow.

Currently, the five IPPT stations consist of

  1. Standing board jump
  2. Pull-ups
  3. Sit ups
  4. Shuttle Run
  5. 2.4 km run

The new revised physical test will be dropping off the stand broad jump, pull-ups and shuttle test stations. Two of which, standing broad jump and pull ups, are stations that many NS men has failed to pass. Two of the 5 stations is carried over to the revised test while the push-ups station is being newly added.
It is unknown when this new revision will take place and more details will be shared by Chief of Army, Perry Lim as said by Mr Ng.
(Image from Mr Ng Eng Hian’s facebook page)

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