Marina Bay Sands has taken a decisive step in its ongoing commitment to protect the environment by no longer serving shark fin in restaurants it owns  and operates. Shark fin dishes are also no longer offered at MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions, exhibitions) events at Sands Expo and Convention Centre.
This initiative, which was piloted in October 2013, is aligned to the integrated resort’s global  sustainability strategy – Sands ECO360°, which drives the stewardship of responsible  business operations in the areas of green buildings, environmentally responsible operations,  green meetings and sustainability education and outreach.
“Removing shark fin from the menus across our different business units is a bold testament to our commitment to reducing our environmental impact. Marina Bay Sands is a leader in  the hospitality and MICE industry – we have the unique opportunity to inspire and influence our customers and partners to adopt sustainable practices,” said Kevin Teng, Director of  Sustainability at Marina Bay Sands.
“We commend Marina Bay Sands for leading the way given its iconic status in Singapore. Their commitment and now concrete action of removing shark fin from their wholly-owned restaurants and from banquet operations should not be seen as anything but exemplary,”  said Elaine Tan, CEO of World Wildlife Fund Singapore. “Sharks are a crucial part of marine ecosystems and their populations have a direct impact on fish stocks, which in-turn affects many things, including our food security in the future. Marina Bay Sands is showing foresight and leadership in corporate sustainability, providing a great example that the longevity and
ongoing success of business is closely tied to safeguarding the biodiversity of our planet.”
As the first venue in Singapore and Southeast Asia to obtain the ISO 20121 Sustainable  Events Management Certification, Marina Bay Sands has built in systems and offerings to  help its environmentally-conscious clients meet their sustainability goals. On the F&B front,  MICE clients can choose from the Green Harvest Menu that features ingredients sourced locally to reduce food miles. Additionally, selected seafood served at MICE events as well as restaurants owned and  operated by the integrated resort are sourced from suppliers that fish or farm responsibly, as  certified by either the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or the Aquaculture Stewardship

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