Lee [left]; Ngerng [right]

Drew & Napier’s Senior Counsel Davinder Singh, representing Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, sent another letter to Mr Roy Ngerng today, 27 May, claiming that Ngerng has not removed the YouTube video as earlier promised.
Mr Singh also claimed that Mr Ngerng has sent out two emails with links to the video and other articles he has written.
“The fact that your client misled everyone about his promise to remove the YouTube video amounts to very grave aggravation. If the two emails were sent by your client, then that would be further aggravation,” Mr Singh wrote, as reported by media.
Mr Singh charged that Mr Mgerng had only set the video to private, which could still make it available for viewing to a select group of people.
In the letter to Mr Ngerng’s lawyer M Ravi, Drew & Napier demanded that M Ravi shall, by 5pm today, provide answers as to whether he is aware that Ngerng did not remove the YouTube video, if Mr Ngerng has indeed sent out the emails, who he sent them to, and if M Ravi was aware of him sending the emails.
It is not known how Drew & Napier came into possession of the emails, but Mr Singh reportedly revealed that he was aware the mailing list included “members of the local and international media”.
“These emails also assert that your client’s allegation against our client is ‘the truth’ and that our client has complained about the offending posts ‘to eliminate the evidence of corruption’,” Mr Singh asserted.
* * * * *
Separately, M Ravi has replied to Drew & Napier on the issue of damages to be paid to PM Lee.
M Ravi indicated that Ngerng’s original letter of apology “was genuine and his references to right and truth were not intended in anyway to detract from the error and inaccuracy of the criminal misappropriation allegation. Rather, they relate entirely to the mismatch issue, and his feelings that it was right of him to highlight this issue. He has expressly noted, through his letter of apology, that his apology related only to the criminal misappropriation issue.”
M Ravi also proposed to pay PM Lee S$5,000 in damages with each party bearing their own costs. The sum was based on Mr Ngerng’s modest living and income.
M Ravi has yet to respond to the latest questions.

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