Mother tongue languages will evolve over time: PM Lee
While the government will try to keep mother tongue languages alive, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong acknowledged that such live languages will “evolve and change over time”. PM Lee cited examples in China where people mix English words into their dialogue, which has caused some controversy in China. “The reality is that a language is a live, changing thing. It constantly absorbs words, concepts and usages from foreign languages, so long as people are using it in their daily lives,” he was quoted by media as saying.
Government and environment enthusiasts keen to reduce waste in Singapore
Singapore should do more to reduce the amount of waste it produced. This was the view expressed by various environment interest groups at a dialogue organised by the Nature Society (Singapore), Singapore Management University club SMU verts and Green Future Solutions. The environmental enthusiasts hope to compile views on this issue from the public and submit to the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources. A representative from the  National Environment Agency also opined that the scarcity of landfills demands that Singapore thinks carefully about waste prevention.

More ‘eyes’ for mata-mata
The police plans to install closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras at all HDB blocks, mount cameras on police fast-response cars, and have officers wear cameras to record patrols and when they attend to emergency 999 cases. This reflects its efforts to use technology to manage crime in the face of manpower shortage.
More recreation areas for foreigner workers
Recreation centres for foreign workers will be doubled from four to eight, in a bid to draw them away from Little India following the riot in December last year. These are scheduled to be ready by the end of next year.
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“东西并不便宜” 《海时》读者批职总偏离初衷

名为Sam Yeow的读者,投函《海峡时报》直言批评,今日的全国职工总会(NTUC)已乖离当初成立宗旨,其所提供的食物、必需品、保险和教育等,已不再让普通百姓负担得起。 他指出,职总当初成立,原是为了服务民众,协助解决就业问题,并确保工友门获得可负担的饮食、保险、受教育机会等等。 “但是,这些年来,职总管理层似乎已偏离了初衷。并不难听见民众投诉在职总经营的商场,租金越来越贵。在职总富食客的饮食中心,食物也不便宜。” 职总的保险费节节上升,其连锁超市的物价也没有比较低廉。 他举例,自己在市中心超市买Sunsilk洗发液,价格为4元7角,但是在职总平价超市价格高达12.95元。 “近期,我获悉若有公司要在职总平价卖产品,还得每年支付高达12万元的上市费用。” 他很遗憾,原本为纾民困而设立,如今职总平价已成为获利至上的企业,反而使生活成本高涨问题加剧。 “我呼吁管理层应重新审视职总的经营理念,正视民间面对的生活成本困境。” Sam Yeow是撰文回应另一读者李秀萍博士的文章《职总企业可协助脱贫》。 李秀萍的文章则指出,许多小贩苦心经营,用正当手法摆脱贫穷、供孩子成为专业人士。故此她提醒,职总收购KOPITIAM集团,不要增加小贩的负担。…

曾在结霜桥摆摊 小贩到芽笼“跑地牛”遭取缔!

据《新明日报》报导,上周三(2日)晚上警方在芽笼16巷路口处,曾进行一次扫荡行动,取缔非法摆摊,至少4名摊贩、合共1千多元的货物被充公,血本无归之外,还得接过300元罚单! 被充公的包括鞋子、衣物、旧收音机、手机零件等旧货。一名56岁小贩透露,五年前失业后就无法找到正职,即使有领取援助金也不够开销,结果上月才冒险在芽笼摆摊。 而这名林姓小贩的旧货还是别人寄卖的,但现在全被充公了,还要欠别人500元。另一摊贩莫哈末纳威则透露,过去曾在结霜桥旧货市场摆摊,前天才过来芽笼这里,结果才摆了两晚就出事。 结霜桥旧货市场已有近80年历史,在2017年7月10日结业,过去是民众去“寻宝”,找一些得意古玩或珍稀用品的去处。 随着结霜桥旧货市场的结束,不少小贩也迁移他处,或是断了生计。有者被迫冒险“跑地牛”,当起非法摊贩。 但也有近20名摊贩,在餐馆老板The Peranakan创办人之一兼主厨邱垂文和义工组织Saturday Movement携手帮助下,在吉兰丹路第28座组屋楼下的两间店铺重新开业。 至于由本地导演陈碧云(音译,Tan Biyun)执导的独立电影《好公民》,也记录一对60多岁前结霜桥摊贩的际遇,掀开光线表面,揭示本地“贫困老人”的生活。

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