By Andrew Loh
On Thursday morning, local news reported a lorry falling into a sinkhole along Upper Changi Road near Jalan Demak. This was the photo sent to the media by a member of the public:
Thursday’s incident is the latest in what “experts” say “are part and parcel of the rapid urbanisation that Singapore is undergoing.” (See link)
In April last year, Non-constituency Member of Parliament from the Workers’ Party, Gerald Giam, asked Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew about the incidents of sinkholes appearing on our roads.
In his reply, Mr Lui said “sinkholes can occur naturally when earth beneath the surface is eroded, typically by water, resulting in subterranean cavities.”
He said he would like to “assure Members that the safety of motorists is of utmost importance”
“My Ministry takes a serious view of these incidents.”
Read Mr Lui’s response in full here: “Sinkholes created by construction of MRT Downtown Line”.
To recap, here are the incidences from 2013:
24 December 2013: A section of road on Commonwealth Avenue West collapsed yesterday morning while workers were laying underground electricity cables. (Straits Times)
16 March 2013: Road cave-in on Woodlands Road because of excavation works for Downtown Line 2.
8 March 2013: 3m sinkhole at second lane of Clementi Road. A motorcyclist hurt his hand while trying to avoid the sinkhole.
4 March 2013: Clementi Road.
29 Jan 2013: Keppel Road.

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