On 18 March 2014, Mr Kevin Teoh, the Divisional director of MOM’s foreign manpower management division, testified at the Committee of Inquiry into the riot in Little India in December.
Mr Teoh made four basic claims in his testimony, namely:

1.  There are no abandoned foreign workers;
2.  Out-of-work foreign workers can seek alternative employment (subject to permission);
3.  MOM has ensured that foreign workers all know their rights;
4.  Untrue that workers are forcibly repatriated.

Here in response to those claims, Mr Alex Au – who incidentally is the vice president of migrant aid group or NGO, TWC2 – has written a lengthy and detailed explanation of how and why the director (and MOM) is wrong on his claims.
Do take some time to read this article by Alex Au, written in his personal capacity but with no less authority given his involvement with migrant workers.
Here is an excerpt of Alex Au’s article.
You can read the full write-up here: “Manpower director makes incredible claims about how well migrant workers are treated by ministry.”

“In such situations, it may be axiomatic that bureaucrats, who are representatives of coercive power, may never be able to establish honest communication with members of vulnerable communities, and will therefore always be handicapped when it comes to having good data about these communities and their lived experiences. The better thing to do therefore is to rely on intermediaries for contact and information. NGOs are such intermediaries. Not wielding any power in themselves, not connected with social groups whom the vulnerable feel may be oppressing them, NGOs are far better able to earn the trust of vulnerable groups.
“The failure to grasp this philosophical point, to see the value in working through NGOs, is a major reason why MOM often finds itself flailing in rough waters. As Teoh’s testimony painfully reveals, there are huge gaps in the ministry’s awareness of the real situation, and frightfully naive beliefs in the fit and effectiveness of its theoretical solutions.”

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走廊窜来窜去甚至入屋 邻居抱怨垃圾屋成鼠窝

若没有妥善处理,垃圾屋将形成鼠虫滋养的温床,更影响周围邻居的生活环境卫生。在金文泰就有这么一间成为鼠窝的垃圾屋,周围邻居苦不堪言,平均每月捉三只老鼠,共捉了27只老鼠。 金文泰5道第229座组屋4楼的一个单位俨然是个杂物间,更是老鼠窝,邻居抱怨曾看见老鼠在窗沿趴着,令人看到倍感不舒服。 九个月杀27老鼠 苦主之一的70岁邻居安美嘉称单位的走廊空间常年被杂物和30余盆植物堆满,令人们很难通过。 她告诉《新明日报》,自今年2月开始,该单位走廊上突然出现很多老鼠乱窜,甚至从门缝或窗户“入侵”到她家中,干扰到她的生活起居,还咬坏家中物品。“我曾经多次和对方因为环境卫生问题吵起来。” 面对老鼠的干扰,安美嘉表示因为怕被老鼠咬,所以看到老鼠就开始动手打,也开始使用老鼠药,九个月来已经捉了27只老鼠。 单位内发出恶臭 也有邻居反映有关单位曾发出恶臭,情况严重时甚至让他们要“闭门”度日,虽然情况有所改善了,但是趋近时还是会闻到臭味。 老鼠在走廊窜来窜去,常常会吓到路过居民,因此他们经过时会故意弄出声响。 她表示依据老鼠的繁殖能力,且出现在走廊上的老鼠有大有小,相信老鼠们已经繁殖数代了,因此希望相关单位能够给予关注,避免闹出鼠患。 垃圾屋问题应正视 近期出现不少类似的“垃圾屋”个案,除了造成了周围的环境卫生问题,而一些房子则住着独居年长者,亦可能延伸迫切需要各单位关注的社会问题。…

周日凌晨一小时内两起 新加坡海峡再有海盗事件

本月9日凌晨,新加坡海峡发生两起海盗袭击事件,两艘船只在一小时内个别被匪徒登船,所幸未有人员损失,其中一艘油船则一些引擎零件被盗。 这使得新加坡海峡,在今年初至今累计的海盗事件多达六起。 亚洲反海盗及武装抢劫船只区域合作协定组织(ReCAAP)通报,本月9日凌晨2时20分,六名持刀匪徒登上散货船“New Spirit”号,闯入引擎室,但被船员发现即逃之夭夭。当时该货船正途径印尼农沙点(Nongsa Point)航道。 事发后上述货船立即向新加坡当局报案并驶向我国。海岸卫队登上该船进行调查。 至于第二起事件则发生在Swarna Jayant油船上。该油船同样途经农沙点,船员约在凌晨2时52分,于引擎室发现匪徒。船长立即拉响警报,船员齐聚并搜索入侵者。尽管未有船员受伤,不过引擎室的好几个阀被盗。 ReCAAP对于新加坡海峡持续发生类似入侵者登船事故表示关注,有鉴于迄今干案者仍逍遥法外,该组织相信未来海盗攻击事件仍可能发生,也警惕来往船只应保持警惕,并立即向邻近的执法机构举报事故。 上月15日,ReCAAP发文告指去年在新加坡海峡发生的海上抢劫事件,比前年多了三倍以上,达到31宗。 其中15宗于1月至8月期间在西向航道发生,而东向航道的16宗案件,则多数发生于9月尾至12月期间。 我国自2015年创下99宗海盗事件高峰后,在2016年至2018年所发生的海盗事件,分别为两宗、八宗和七宗,因此去年的31宗案件似乎有重新崛起的趋势,引起人们关注。