
The National Family Council has unveiled Singapore’s first Family Pledge on Tuesday.

“We, the people of Singapore,
pledge to build strong and happy Families.
We affirm the commitment of marriage
between husband and wife.
And take responsibility to nurture our children,
and respect our elders.
We celebrate and honour
the roles of each Family member.
And uphold the Family as the foundation”

Channel News Asia reports

It was launched during an appreciation lunch, hosted by Acting Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing for organisers, partners and sponsors of this year’s National Family Celebrations.

The pledge is written by the National Family Council with input from stakeholders, including the youth sub-committee of the organising committee of this year’s National Family Celebrations.

It aims to encourage good family practices, such as affirming commitment between husband and wife, and taking responsibility to nurture children and respect elders.
Mr Lim Soon Hock, chairman of National Family Council, said: “Research has shown that when people make a commitment through a pledge, it is more likely that they (will) carry it out.”

But who are the stakeholders mentioned in the report? Families like mine and yours?

Making a visit to the NFC’s website, Joshua Chiang, former editor of TOC comments,

“Notice something in the scrolling banners of the homepage of this website? Yup. Every single person in the picture appears to be either a Chinese or an Eurasian. So it appears that not only does the NFC not recognize single parent, divorced, or LGBT families as families, but members of other ethnicities need not apply?”

Kirsten Han, writes in her latest blog post,

“While aiming to encourage family life in Singapore, this pledge excludes same-sex couples, divorced parents, single parents, or anyone not in a ‘traditional’ nuclear family structure. According to this pledge, these people don’t deserve to be seen as families. On top of the everyday struggles of a single parent in Singapore – because, for some reason, the state can’t seem to treat them like any other parent – we have added this giant stinking whopper of an insult. Here you go, just a little reminder that you’re not accepted here.”

Can recital of a pledge really hope to achieve the goals of encouraging good family practices?

Is it simply an attempt to coerce the general public to conform to the mentality of a traditional family nucleus which the government has been stuck with in terms of policies making. ie, HDB allocation which had been based on?

What are your thoughts over this first ever Family Pledge?

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吴家和致函教育部长 冀教育者更主动关怀清寒子弟

近日失业者互助网站 Transitioning.org创办人吴家和,揭露一些面对一些经济状况的小六生,因欠费而无法领取小六会考(PSLE)成绩单正本。 此事引起民众热议,亦有不少善心人士挺身而出,吴家和也在个人脸书分享他们的善举,为这些一时还不上学杂费的清寒学生,还清积欠的费用。 根据失业者互助网站,吴家和也向教育部长王乙康致公开信。 内文先是感谢教育部多年来的努力,让新加坡人都能够在免于学费压力的情况下接受扎实教育,同时认同教育部所实施的财政援助计划,每年数以千计贫困学生能够拥有免费的校服、残卷、教科书以及学费,从中受惠。 “有家长碍于自尊默默独撑” 然而,尽管作出这些努力,也无法避免一些“落单”的个案。 吴家和表示,由于申请财政援助计划会有一些条件,因此部分学生会因为某些原因而无法将表格填写完整,包括父母被裁员、监护人死亡或离开等,生活一时陷入困顿的情况。又或者,家庭收得已超过财务援助(FAS)的标准-即家庭每月总收入为逾2750元或个人收入为690元。 此外,吴家和也指出,许多人在申请经济援助上通常会感到想到羞愧,因此他们宁愿默默独撑,也不愿低头向其他人寻求协助,这也往往恶化了问题所在。 学校可助一臂之力,早些发现介入,避免问题恶化 针对学校措施,吴家和则认为,学校要能觉察到弱势家庭的存在。如果有学生积欠学费超过六个月以上,就该探讨背后原因,因为这很可能是学生因为该家庭在生活上遇到了一些麻烦。学校辅导员可以在问题为进一步恶化前便主动接触,寻求解决方式。 对此,吴家和认为,不能仅仅去预期这些家庭会主动申请援助,因为部分家庭的教育程度可能较低,或是因为个人原因,而无法主动向学校申请援助。 他说,“他们需要一股亲和温柔的助力,一颗充满爱心的慈悲成为他们的推力,让他们感受到学校其实对于弱势家庭的状况也相当关注,比起目前冷冰冰的处理方式,可能会更有效。”…

巴西古当复课后130师生身体不适 逾百人团队赴85校检测

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