
Mentor Access Project (MAP) 2013 is now open for application for the  aspiring authors, poets and playwrights.

Established in 2000, MAP is a unique annual writing mentorship programme organised by the National Arts Council (NAC) that aims to develop emerging literary talent in the four official languages. New, emerging Singaporean authors, poets and playwrights writing in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil are invited to apply.

Each participant will undergo an intensive 12-month mentorship programme with an established local writer and take part in an exciting series of literary activities, most of which are exclusively arranged for MAP participants. These include dialogue sessions, talks, workshops, as well as special events recommended by mentors at the Singapore Writers Festival 2013.

Application details are now available on the NAC website.

Closing date for application is Monday, 15 July 2013, 5pm.

Like MAP on Facebook | http://www.facebook.com/MentorAccessProject

Established in 2000, MAP is an annual 12-month writing mentorship programme organised by the NAC. It encourages the sustained development of fresh literary voices in the four official languages. Participants hone their writing skills through mentorship with an established local writer, ongoing critical feedback from their peers and an extensive range of other literary programmes. Mentors from past MAP cohorts include well-known Singapore writers, poets and playwrights such as Christine Suchen Lim, Dave Chua, Jean Tay, Chong Tze Chien, Felix Cheong, Alvin Pang, Cyril Wong and Robert Yeo.

MAP is open to all Singapore citizens or permanent residents, aged 18 years and above, who have not published more than one full-length work (novel, non-fiction book, collection of poems or short stories) or had more than one full-length play performed.


Applicants may apply in the following genres in English, Chinese, Malay or Tamil:

* Prose (short stories, novellas/novels)
* Poetry
* Drama
* Creative non-fiction (biographies, travel writing, art criticism, personal essays)
* Children’s and young adult fiction


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