“Can you imagine walking to every HDB block and every floor that you go, every 12 flats that you count, one of them is in arrears by more than three months? And at the end of the day, if they cannot pay and they default (on their mortgage loans), they lose their homes, they may lose their life CPF savings as well.”

In 2009, Mr Leong Sze Hian published his book, “Issues That Matter: Uniquely Singapore – F1 or F9”. The book is a compilation of letters which Mr Leong had sent to the local press on issues such as public housing, healthcare, CPF, education and public transport. Nine issues are covered in the nine chapters in the book.

Mr Leong, a very much in-demand expert and commentator on financial and social issues, delves into the intricacies of policies and problems faced by Singaporeans and asks some intriguing questions.

The book is a must-read for anyone who is concerned about these issues which affect all of us.

You can order the book – at S$15.90 – by sending us an email at: [email protected]  or via Paypal (scroll to the bottom to order)

All proceeds will go towards the upkeep of this website, courtesy of the generosity of Mr Leong.

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