~by: Cheong Yaoming and Ng Yi Shu~

Jarrod Luo Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) candidate for GE 2011 and former Honorary Secretary of Young Democrats has resigned from the Party on 9 February 2012. 

A spokesperson for SDP in confirming Mr Luo's resignation said:

"The SDP can confirm that disciplinary action was taken against Mr Jarrod Luo who was suspended in December 2011. The party can also confirm that Mr Luo has resigned from the party on 9 February 2012.

The reasons for the suspension were enumerated in the CEC's show-cause letter to Mr Luo. As the letter was communicated in confidence, we are not at liberty to divulge its contents. Out of courtesy to Mr Luo and as he is no longer with the party, we will not pursue the matter any further. We wish Mr Luo well.

As for the Young Democrats, the SDP's youth wing continues to grow. As can be seen from our party website, our young members have been active and are engaging in several activities. This trend will continue. "

Mr Luo in confirming his resignation from the Party revealed that he had sent out a mass email to Party members requesting for more transparency and democracy in the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the Party. Mr Luo's email also raised the handling of issues by the CEC, as well as the unilateral delay of Party affairs by them.

Mr Luo was then accused of sending the same mass email to a non-SDP member. Mr Luo however claims that that person was in the Party's internal mailing list.

The Party then asked Mr Luo to appear before a show-cause meeting to justify and explain his actions, following which he was sent a suspension letter by the CEC.

Mr Luo said that he then sent an email asking for a board of inquiry to be held to look into this alleged wrongdoings of the CEC on the 28th of December last year. This email, he says, was not acknowledged nor replied.

Additional reporting by Ng Yi Shu. Article was updated on 14 February at 11pm.


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