Kirsten Han /

In March this year, The Online Citizen published a story on the case of death row inmate Cheong Chun Yin, who was convicted with carrying in 2.8kg of heroin in to Singapore. All of Chun Yin’s appeals have been exhausted, and his only hope now is to be granted clemency by the government of Singapore.

Until today, Chun Yin insists that he had not known he was carrying heroin, and had been under the impression that he was smuggling gold bars for a friend, a relatively minor offence. However, the Misuse of Drugs Act functions on presumption clauses which reverses the burden of proof on to the accused.

Documentary filmmaker Jon Keng has produced a short film following Singaporean human rights lawyer M Ravi as he travels to Malaysia to meet Chun Yin’s family, and to find ways to save Chun Yin’s life.

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已逝艺人冯伟衷的大哥冯伟健(Jefferson Pang),今天上午透过弟弟经纪公司午言媒体脸书专页发文,表示宽容早前试图追访弟弟女友胡佳琪,采访手法引起争议的《联合早报》记者。 在贴文中,冯伟健指出,听到大家就记者记者洪铭铧的事件争论不休,心情沉重,但是在新西兰要处理的事很多,疲惫不堪,所以选择暂时不理会此事,而是把精神全都集中在照顾父母。 他指出,父母从小灌输许多价值观给他和冯伟衷,包括“要体谅他人,设身处地的为他人着想,注意自己的言行举止,不要做过多地评论 (很多时候保持沉默是最明智的做法)。” “作为兄长,我们希望每个人都知道我们最小的弟弟在爸妈的教导下,每天都朝着充满智慧的方向成长。 即使现在伟衷离开了,我们做任何事还是以他为优先考量。” 他相信,即使在黑暗时期,也要坚守人与人之间最基本的礼貌和对待,他对洪铭铧表示,未第一时间处理感到抱歉,并指出“伟衷不会要让你面对这样的一个局面,不会想让这样的事情发生在你身上。” “尽管你处理这篇报道的方式不太妥当,言词偏激了点,但我还是选择相信这只是你在那时候一时冲动而犯下的错误。对于我没有在第一时间处理这件事,我感到很抱歉。” 他希望此时发文仍为时不晚,也勉励洪铭铧继续坚守岗位,继续撰写和分享有关冯伟衷的文章。 早前,艺人胡佳琪双胞胎姐姐胡佳嬑,揭发有记者疑为争取独家,言词严厉要求胡佳琪开口接受采访。对此记者洪铭铧于本月25日在Instagram账号向胡佳琪道歉,并承认他此次采访受访“或许特别拙劣”。  

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