Dear Readers,

As some of you may have heard by now, Andrew Loh had, as of yesterday (Sunday 5 June 2011), resigned from his position as TOC Chief Editor with immediate effect.

We are sad at this unexpected development. We do not propose to wash dirty linen in public, and so we will only say that there have been some differences between Andrew and the rest of us. Andrew has had some impressive achievements in this stint as TOC Chief Editor, notably leading TOC’s editorial coverage through the seminal 2011 General Elections. Without his leadership, we would likely not have enjoyed the success during GE2011 that we did. We thank him for his contributions and wish him all the best for his future endeavours.

Moving forward, Ravi Philemon has agreed to be Interim Chief Editor. We are working on putting in place a team to support him. In addition, our current projects will continue, hopefully with minimal disruptions. This includes the upcoming first instalment of the “Post-Election Transformation Series” on this Saturday 11 June 2011, as well as an exciting event that we will announce very shortly.

Please do bear with us if there are any disruptions or delays during this difficult period. In the meantime, please continue to email [email protected] with your ideas and comments, or if you wish to volunteer with TOC or help us in any way.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Chiang
Choo Zheng Xi
Leong Sze Hian
Ravi Philemon
Siew Kum Hong

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早前,我国前总理、荣誉国务资政吴作栋在接受《海峡时报》专访时,提及推行集选区制、设立由议员管理的市镇理事会制度,成为我国政治体制的“稳定器”。 事实上这不是吴作栋发表集选区作为“稳定器”的论述。回溯2019年5月,他接手《联合早报》访问时也曾这么说: 要拥有这样的政治景观,是否需要改变我们现有的机制?我觉得应该不需要。我们已经竭尽所能去稳定机制。集选区、官委议员等等都可被称作“稳定器”。就是说,你可以有人选的更替,但是制度不会翻船。所以我不认为接下来20年需要改变。我不知道还有什么未可预见,但目前来看,无须改变。 对此,前非选区议员余振忠则形容,让在野党也管理市镇会是可以的,能够证明在野党也能管理好社区,以及让在野党议员解决居民的需求。 至于集选区制度,原本是为了确保有少数族群代表而设立,但后来集选区规模变得越来越大,理由是透过规模经济来确保管理市镇会的效益。 除了杰利蝾螈(gerrymandering)现象(不公的选区划分)以外,集选区制度的一些方面是好的。但同样这对于执政党来说也是把双刃剑,当在野党的团队比行动党更强大,集选区反而成了在野党的堡垒区,行动党很难夺回。 不过,余振忠也提及他对过去发生AIM公司事件的失望。 行动党在1991年成立AIM(Action Information Management)公司,来支援市镇会的电脑技术管理。但2011年大选后,AIM却致函工人党市镇会主席林瑞莲,有意终结服务。 在2011年,工人党接管的阿裕尼-后港市镇会。除了遭CPG 管理代理公司终止服务,同时,上述AIM公司也要求终止对工人党市镇会的电脑系统服务,致使该市镇会须在两个月内,开发自己的电脑管理系统,确保服务不中断。…

宛如上演“宫斗剧” 泰王妃被剥夺所有军衔与妃子头衔

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