by Joshua Chiang

Today, Dec 18th, is International Migrants Day. Over at TOC, we have been doing our part raising pertinent issues regarding the less-than-ideal situations many migrant workers find themselves in. While we acknowledge that the liberal immigration policies are cause for concern, we also believe that those who had come here should be treated with fairness and dignity.

The following are ten articles we have written over the years highlighting the plight of migrant workers in Singapore, and also featuring the people who have helped make a difference to their lives. We hope these will serve as a reminder why much much more need to be done.

1) Is Singapore Really Slum-free?

On the horrendous living conditions some migrant workers find themselves in. (warning – pictures may cause nausea)

2) Death of Bangladeshi worker in 2008

Worker who contracted chicken pox received no medical attention from employer, and found dead in his bed.

3) Men in containers

Migrant workers housed in containers hidden from the buzz of civilization

4) It is not about just providing food

A volunteer’s experience

5) Fisherman’s ordeal

Little protection for migrant workers on fishing vessels.

6) TOC Expose: Repatriation companies

The dirty business of managing ‘troublesome’ migrant workers

7) Safer transport – what are we waiting for?

8) The story of Delowar

9) “I hope Singapore government punish them”

After Delowar – who was a teacher back home – returned home, Japanese news network NHK did a televised report on the story as well, and he was featured, and he mentioned his dream of building a school for his village. Some viewers were so moved that they raised enough money to build the school for him. Now he is the headmaster – or is it administrator – of the new school Sometimes miracles do happen.

10) 179 foreign workers abandoned by employer

The following is ‘Migrant Dreams’, a documentary  film by Lynn Lee and James Leong about a Bangladeshi’s dream turned into a nightmare in Singapore.

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94海外人士君悦酒店出席会议 返国后至少三人确诊患新冠

日前,一名马国男子与两名韩国男子在新加坡出席会议证实感染新型冠状病毒,根据卫生部昨日(5日)指出,该三宗确诊感染病例,是于1月20日至22日期间,在君悦酒店参加私人商务会议,其中共109名来自同公司参与,94名来自海外,而且均离开了新加坡。 卫生部 也指出,他们目前也已通知相关海外卫生当局。另外,有15名本国人参加会议,11人情况良好,4人则出现相关症状,目前已转入国家传染病中心(NCID)进行检测。 酒店经理库马尔(译音,Parveen Kumar)也表示,酒店在之前就已经接获卫生部通知,表明已有客人确诊,但并未透露患者的感染方式、地点与时间。随后也对公共区域、餐厅、会议室、客房等进行消毒,确保客人与员工的健康与安全。 邻国马来西亚卫生部于本月4日证实,马国41岁男子,于上月16日到新加坡出席会议,回国后出现症状,一周后即本月3日,获证实感染新型冠状病毒(武汉肺炎)。 紧接着韩国也出现两起相关确诊病例,同样于18日至24日期间前来新加坡参加国际会议,并与马国确诊患者曾密切接触,随后也立即前往就医,结果确诊自己也被感染。

世卫组织:武汉不明肺炎 初步鉴定为新型冠状病毒

世界卫生组织(WHO)周三(8日)表示,中国武汉的不明原因的病毒性肺炎疫情,初步鉴定结果为一种新型冠状病毒。 中国武汉近日爆发病毒性肺炎案例,截至目前已增至59宗。据联合国卫生组织表示,目前仍需更全面的信息来确认感染源的病原体类型,但确实有可能是另一种新型冠状病毒。 根据中国中央电视台记者,从病院检测结果初步评估专家组了解到,截至2020年1月7日,实验室检出一种新型冠状病毒,获得该病毒的全基因组序列,经核酸检测方法共检出新型冠状病毒,共有15例程阳性结果。从其中一个样本分离出的病毒经电子显微镜检视后,呈典型冠状病毒形态。 而专家组则认为,此次不明原因的病毒性肺炎病例的病院体,初步判定为新型冠状型病毒,但仍需结合病原学研究、流行病学调查和临床表现进行专家研判。 感染人类冠状病毒达六种 冠状病毒是一种主要引起呼吸道与肠道疾病的病原体,目前已知冠状病毒有数十种,病毒的主要宿主是哺乳类动物(包含人类)而 会感染人类的冠状病毒共有6种,其中包含可能造成严重疫情的SARS和MERS,但也有可能是症状比较轻微的呼吸道、肠胃道感染。 中国武汉上月爆发不明原因病毒性肺炎,59人已确诊,武汉市卫生健康局日前也表示,在59宗不明原因病毒肺炎中,有7宗属于重症病例,但其余患者生命体征整体稳定,且目前所有患者已接受武汉市医疗机构的隔离治疗,暂无死亡病例。 其中病例最早发病时间为去年12月12日,最晚发病则是去年12月29日,部分患者来自武汉市华南海鲜城(华南海鲜批发市场)经营户,但截至目前为止,仍未发现仍和明确人传人的证据,或医务人员受感染,已排除流感、禽流感、腺病毒、传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)和中东呼吸综合症(MERS)等呼吸道病原。

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